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luni, 19 aprilie 2010


image eTwinning project plan


Name of the project:

The very healthy Caterpillar



 Loredana from Italy,
Antonella from Malta
Ivana Krizanac, Croatia

Evelyn Neudorf, Estonia

Ana-Maria Ene, Romania


Age of the pupils: 3-11years

Used language: english

Duration: 1 schoolar year: 10 months (september - june)

School type: pre-primary and primary school

Short description:




Playing with the very healthy caterpillar, pupils will learn about how to live a healthy life and what to do to be in health.


Is about eating natural food and having a lot of sport.






1. Children will have better knowledge in healthy lifestyle;

2. Teachers use ICT to teach children by the topic healthy lifestyle;

3. Children make hikes and trips to nature and share photos with others in web;

4. Children use ICT to exchange their experience about healthy lifestyle(making food, healthy habits)

5. Understanding importance of the healthy lifestyle

6. Develop vocabulary skills, make a simple  "multilingual Healthydictionary" with images and one word (e.g. images-apple and the word apple  in italian,croatian, maltese...and publish with ISSUU or Calameo tools

7. Learn to catagorize familiar foods (into the different sections of the food pyramid)

8. Creative Writing for the older children

9. recorder sound of the words of healthy dictionary



ICT tools:





Interactive witheboard, glogster, wikispaces, onetrue media (for video montage)

MS PhotoStory,  Audacity (to record the children singing, talking, etc), blogs, online games and activities

Some presentation tools like PowerPoint and maybe animate caterpillar (Flash) or Bitstrips - for creating comics


Yahoo Messenger

What about having a common blog & uploading children's work and photos there

Pedagogical basis:





 Interdisciplinary/integrated curriculum
Simulations, problem-based learning
Physical and art-based activities; verbal and written activities

Differentiated instruction that incorporates whole class,
Children work in groups (collaboration)

Learning through play


Working methods:




 cooperation between the teachers, between the children around Europe, games, exercises, singing, drawing, painting, trips, talking, writing stories about healthy caterpillar and little dramatization.
cooking simple food with the children

make  weekly timetable about snacks at school during the break and introduce new habits in healthy snacks

 teachers can make one Learning Object with interactive witheboard




image eTwinning project timetable 


Time / period

Task description – tools to be used

Responsible person(s)


 September and October 2010



Create the project and send to National Agencies for approval.

 Creating the blog of the project on eTwinning (TwinSpace and TwinBlog).
Introducing participants (interactive whiteboard, Skype, photo presentation).

 Start  reading story the very hungry caterpillar.

each one of us


  December 2010



Caterpillar cooking the dinner for Christmas Eve”:

-discussions about healthy food for Christmas;

-cooking simple Christmas sweets.
 Each one of us


 January 2011



“Healthy sport for caterpillar”:

-winter sports: ski, snowboard, sleigh ride etc;

-other sports for those that don’t have snow.
each one of us


February 2011




“Healthy dictionary of the caterpillar”:

-book and audio: food, sport, good habits etc.

 each of us


 March 2011



“Sweet and teeth!”:

-discussion about how to keep our teeth in health;

-science experiments;

-visit to the dentist.
 each one of us


April 2011




-22nd March: Water Day;

-7th April: Healthy Day;

-15th April: Family Day;

-22nd April: Earth Day.

each one of us

May 2011

“European Carnival”:

-cooking biscuits in form of caterpillar or butterfly and send a box to the partners;

-organizing a carnival where the children are dressed in they favourite animal/ personage of stories etc…

each one of us
June 2011
"The health Caterpillar":
-ending the project;
-conclusion, evaluation, reflection.
each one of us


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